Pamela S0003857 潮流娛樂 SHOWGIRL模特兒經紀公司

My name is Pamela Rottmann I am from Guatemala, Central America. I am 21 years old.
I speak fluent English, Spanish and now I came to Taiwan to learn Mandarin. I can also speak French.
In Guatemala I used to work as a model with big industries. And this is something I am good at as well as I have already a BBA in business management and I am a student aviation pilot.
I am a very charismatic person, I like to create good energy in the environment I am involved in.

身高體重 156 cm / 48 kg
三圍 30C / 24 / 36
妝髮 自理
尺度範圍 時尚、運動、休閒、泳裝、禮服、秀服、內/睡衣、角色扮演
個人特色 外籍模特
語言能力 英語對談、中文對談、法文對談