Eva Jaussaud  潮流娛樂 SHOWGIRL模特兒經紀公司

I am Eva, a 24 year old French female looking for opportunities to work as a model in the Northern Taiwan area. I started my modeling career two years ago as a freelancer, and since then completed four photoshoots and two commercials. I know how to pose and can follow instructions given in Chinese, English or French.

身高體重 175 cm / 52 kg
三圍 30B / 24 / 34
鞋號身型 39 / M
妝髮 自理
尺度範圍 時尚、運動、休閒、泳裝、禮服、秀服、內/睡衣、角色扮演
個人特色 外籍模特


